The site of the Area22 multi-purpose centre runs alongside the A 22 Brennero motorway near the Rovereto Sud exit. The brief was to upgrade an abandoned industrial site occupying a nonetheless commanding strategic position. It brings together various different functions and activities as a synergy of use and access, preserving individual function identity and visibility in a balanced composition. The plans were by Studio Techplan who liaised with the technical design consultants at Premetalgroup. Premetal also put the plans into practice and built the bearing structures in a mixed steel and precompressed reinforced concrete system, as well as the curtain-walling, aluminium window frames, outer façade cladding and various finishing works. The volumes chosen, layout and window orientation are designed for maximum effect and visibility from the flanking roads and railway, as well as giving those working inside Area22 splendid views of the surrounding mountain scenery. The complex falls into two separate parts: the commercial, artisan and service building on three floors, and the prism-shaped nerocubo business & design hotel standing at the southern end of the plot which rises on eight floors plus basement. The side view beginning with the hotel outline is a play of changing forces. The façade design is part glazed with fixed and opening panes, part cement-fibre infill. It is picked out by aluminium string-courses that emphasize the horizontal lines and give unity to the shapes from the road side. Where the join comes with the hotel block, the western façade opens into a spacious double-height porch area on which the various service centre units converge. The hotel building is all technological saving and energy efficiency. It produces nearly all the energy a hotel needs to run on, thanks to a photovoltaic system which twins with a microturbine-powered trigeneration plant. Inside the hotel functions on an innovatory domotic plan. Its outline is clad in curtain-walling formed of opaque ‘eternit’-like panels in anthracite grey, hung from the masonry perimeter walls. With its mat finish, dark hues and arrangement of window apertures in natural aluminium surrounds, the solid mass is seen to maximum effect, an architectural and landscaping feature capturing the gaze of anyone crossing Vallagarina by train, motorway or local road.
PremetalVia Fornaci, 70?
I - 38068 - Rovereto (TN)?
Tel. +39 0464 434443?
Fax +39 0464 436665?
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