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LEDvance Downlights by Osram

LEDvance Downlights by Osram
Scritto da Redazione The Plan -

LEDadvance Polybar is the ideal solution for applications requiring linear light. Polybar is available in three different lengths with different outputs: 250mm / 6W, 500mm / 12W as well as 750mm / 18W.

LEDvance Downlight S has been specifically designed for integration into furniture, shelves or niches - the luminaire develops significantly less heat than its halogen counterparts, thus providing much more flexibility for use in a wider range of applications. Thanks to its compact size and low installation depth of only 13mm, Downlight S can also be fitted to all standard items of furniture. Available in colour temperatures of 3,000 and 4,000K, this luminaire replaces 20W halogen lamps.

LEDvance Downlight M replaces 50W halogen lamps and is designed for installation in ceilings. The luminaire is available in two versions with a beam angle of 12 or 36 degrees and is the environmentally friendly way to provide accent lighting.

If high light levels are required, the right choice is for the extremely powerful, but energy-saving LEDvance Downlights L and XL. These ceiling spotlights illuminate foyers, hallways, hotels, shops and much more. The luminaires are fitted with Oslon LED, permitting high system efficiency and with a direct mains connection for easy installation. Osram Downlight L replaces an 18W or a 26W compact fluorescent lamp and is a suitable alternative for a number of 75W halogen applications with a high lighting requirement. The Downlight XL version replaces two 18W or two 26W compact fluorescent downlights.

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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