Korzilius with new tiles programm "natura di terra"
A quite impressive proof of greatness and variety is what manufacturer Korzilius is delivering in its new tiles programm "natura di terra". With basic formats up to 80 x 40, 90 x 30 and 90 x 15 cm it is reaching dimensions, that for a long time seemed out of reach for extruded ceramics.
With a range of eight series and 25 colors it is presenting itself exceptionally multifarious and with the serially calibrated edges a high accuracy grade is guaranteed and also allows extra small 2mm-jointing. The programme "natura di terra" connects all advantages of extruded tiles with the requirements of modern living design: that includes remarkable capacity for both interior and outside areas, frost resistance, extra accurately cut edges and a high stability for layings on walls.
The programme "natura di terra" includes the following series: Sabbia, Foresta, Lido, Sasso, Farm, Minerale, Monte, Boschetto