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FuSheng Impermanent Lakeside Resort, containers for travelers

Hanchenping Studio

Special Projects  /  Future
Hanchenping Studio

Design Philosophy: In nature, environment and space, humans are just temporary visitors rather than eternal masters. Architecture and architects should express the courtesy of the "borrower" rather than the tyranny of the "possessor".

Buildings should be containers for travelers rather than occupants. In the context of technological development and industrialized production, architecture must demonstrate the attitude of respecting nature and the capability to inherit the aesthetic appeal of space. To achieve these design concepts, the theories of "mobile building" and "modular building" had been used to put forward a new architectural design scheme of FuSheng Impermanent Lakeside Resort,

The core of the building is a residential module, and 11 building components decomposed by this residential module. This architectural design scheme has the advantages such as: Environmental friendliness (low environmental impact, reusability); Flexibility(transportable and movable, stretchable and changeable);Universality(adaptable to various venues),Modularity (factory production, site assembly, building multiple spaces with limited modules); Amusement(arrangement of combinations, spatial infectivity).

Ecological and Environmental Protection: Utilizing the design of "slight contact" between buildings and the natural environment, on-site rapid assembly technology, energy self-sufficiency systems, waste treatment equipment, to maximize environmental protection and reduce impact and damage to the site. Service: The design scheme adheres to appropriate and polite intimate contact with the natural environment, while maintaining the original site style to the maximum extent, it also provides a complete leisure function of the waterfront hotel :sightseeing,living, dining, fishing, boating, etc.

ArchitectureThe core of the building is a residential module, and 11 building components decomposed by this residential module. The entire building is composed of the above components .All of them are produced in the factory, and their size and weight are convenient for vehicle transportation. The quick assembly and disassembly design can complete the construction process of the entire building within 20 days, complete the disassembly of the building within 10 days, and reuse the building elsewhere. Service: The design scheme adheres to appropriate and polite intimate contact with the natural environment, while maintaining the original site style to the maximum extent, it also provides a complete leisure function of the waterfront hotel :sightseeing,living, dining, fishing, boating, etc. Beauty: The design scheme reflects the unique architectural beauty that can be created by fully industrialized production of building components, and the diverse beauty of variation through the combination of some building modules.

Economy: By using short-term rental hotel site ,adjusting the number of rooms according to the number of guests, buildings being able to be used multiple times in different locations, further reducing the cost of hotel operation and management.


 Wuxi Environmental Sanitation Services Co.
 Resort hotel
 5350 m2
  4,061,720.00 €
 Chenping Han
 Yangming Qi, Tangming Bu, Xiwu Qi, Liang Gao, Weiye Luo, Jingjing Zhao, Yijing Wu ,Xing Huang,Xi Chen.
 Shanghai Fly&Float Tech.Co.Ltd.
 Mengmeng Zhao
 Han Chenping Studio


Hanchenping Studio is a team by teachers and students of School of Architecture and Design, China University of Mining and Technology, presided over by Professor Chenping Han(PhD), focus on expanding the new possibilities and ways of science and technology to participate in architecture. The studio mainly engages in the research of architectural interdisciplinary technology integration, architecture in special complex environment (space, ocean, deep earth, etc.),collaborative design of "Human—Machine—Building—Environment", the mobility and variability of architecture, won World Architecture Festival(2021),International Architecture Awards (2022), German Design Award(2022, A’Design Award (2022),International Design Awards (2021) and the China National Excellent Engineering Design Award (2006,2008)and others, published "Mobile Building Design Theory and Method" and other 4 scholarly monographs , 40 academic papers, had 10 patents of invention in China and other countries.

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