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  4. “SOUND WAVE BUILDING” NEW POWERSOFT POLE: production, management, and nature in a multifunctional facility

“SOUND WAVE BUILDING” NEW POWERSOFT POLE: production, management, and nature in a multifunctional facility

Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia / AF517

Production  /  Future
Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia / AF517

The building consists of the product production and storage system, a management area with offices and representative areas and, finally, the entrance hall, the opening node to the park. The production lines occupy a large part of this operating base, making the most of the natural light of the double view. The building's elevations are characterised by two different material treatments, determined by the macro functions contained in the two main volumes of the building. The upper floors of the offices are instead characterized by an entirely glazed facade with a metal skin in stretched sheet metal that surrounds the entire perimeter of the building.

The design of the park surrounding the project, tries to bring to the surface the energy of the place. It opens from Via Pisana to the south creating a visual cone towards the hills, dialoguing in particular with the Roveta hill
It is a large open and organized space, defined by a large central parterre, a prairie clearing and tree masses that direct and accompany the gaze towards the hills.
The tree system moves in a linear way to create new ecological corridors. The project contrasts areas with high density of vegetation and low maintenance rustic meadows. The thermoregulatory function of vegetation, alternating evergreen species with stripping, generates during the seasons sensitive climatic, chromatic and spatial changes..

Rooftop installation of JASAR-type photovoltaic panels with nominal power of 505W each, efficiency of each module: 21.3%. The double-skin solution on the facade, consisting of double glazing and ironed sheet metal with 33% permeability, requires an amount of primary energy of 73.1 kWh/m2 for lighting, cooling and heating considerably lower than solutions without shielding.
This solution allows the reduction of 369 tons of CO2 emissions per year in favour of the environment.
The large windows on the surface of the building allow to limit the use of artificial light, ensuring sufficient lighting during the day and thus further reducing electricity consumption.

The three function volumes (production, offices and storage areas) are characterised by three different treatments. Polycarbonate for production, glass for offices and concrete panels for the warehouse. The new building is therefore completed by a second façade skin, a stretched sheet metal cladding, which visually holds the three functions together.
The use of reflective materials, such as stretched sheet metal, used as the second skin of the building, accentuates undulations and gives a colour that changes during the phases of the day thanks to the reflection of sunlight.
The use of polycarbonate was chosen to identify the production area on the ground floor of the new building. This semi-transparent material does not prevent the natural lighting of the rooms but allows you to partially shield the view of these. Partitions made of prefabricated panels in smooth light-toned concrete with low relief. These cover the entire volume of the warehouse and the portion of the façade to the north where the loading bays are present. The graphic customization of the panels through the low relief allows to characterize and communicate the identity of the company.

“The glass-enclosed lobby, the main entrance to the new headquarters, houses not only the reception area but also auxiliary activities such as meeting rooms and break areas. The large glass allows a full size view of the central park.”


 Bluesky immobiliare s.r.l.
 Production site and Directional building
 45500 m2
  17,118,950.00 €
 Alfonso Femia, Marco Corazza
 Simonetta Cenci (Coordinamento), Antonino Caputo, Stefano Cioncoloni, Jessica Emma Manzoni, Sara Massa, Raffaella Francesca Pirrello, Francesco Romano, Vincenzo Tripodi
 Bluesky immobiliare s.r.l.
 ingegneria strutturale: B&C Associati - ingegneria impiantistica: FOR Engineering Architecture
 ©Stefano Anzini


Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia is an international architecture firm based in Genoa, Milan and Paris.
The experience gained in more than 25 years of project activity, developed at all scales of intervention, is reflected in the depth of approach to the most sensitive issues of the city and the territory.
Founder of the atelier(s) is Alfonso Femia.
Among the most recent projects of the Studio, the new headquarters of Vimar in Marostica, the Dallara Academy in Parma, the new headquarters of the BNL-BNP Paribas Group in Rome, the new headquarters of the Ersel bank in Milan, Les Docks in Marseille, The Corner in Milan.
Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia is currently working on the development of projects in Uzbekistan, France as well as in Italy and Spain.


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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