The A.S.A.R.I. project was conceived as the "first stone" of the Mohamed VI Polytechnic University of Laâyoune, a center of excellence dedicated to research and training of future engineers in Morocco. More than just a project, it aims to embody a philosophy of sustainable development for the southern regions of Morocco. The concept was developed to create an off-grid research unit in the middle of the desert that demonstrates climate-responsive architecture adapted to the local context, culture and landscape between the desert and ocean
A.S.A.R.I. establishes a strong link between the ocean and desert, two key elements of the landscape. The ecosystem was designed in relation to the prevailing north-northeast wind to create protective systems that also define circulation and connection spaces between the buildings, ultimately creating a visual relationship between the desert and sea. The exterior spaces act as an open-air "living lab" with sculptural wind-protecting structures that create lines of force in the landscape. The project reveals its beauty through an exaltation of the site's minerality.
A.S.A.R.I. achieves 80% energy passivity and is referenced by CEEBIOS, BiodiverCity, HQE, BREEAM, and LEED. It leverages the potential of its environment - the climate, winds, sand, and know-how of the sub-Saharan coast - integrating with the natural terrain to optimize the dialogue between the buildings and environment. Each building has a central interior patio to naturally ventilate common areas and open-plan workspaces through wind dynamics, playing a key role in the project's passive design. The exterior spaces sensitize visitors to planting in dry environments.
A.S.A.R.I., is an off-grid research unit in the middle of the desert. As the founding component of the future Laâyoune Technopole, it aims to contribute to the sustainable development of southern Morocco through poles of education, research, economic development, and culture. More than just a building, A.S.A.R.I. demonstrates that architecture is an essential lever for creating an exemplary place in terms of social and environmental responsibility as well as identity. Inspired by ancient knowledge and "nourished" by parametric design tools, it is a pioneer of climate-responsive architecture, foreshadowing the R&D activities it hosts. The ecosystem establishes a strong link between ocean and desert. A covered promenade with a canopy of steel cables and sun-shading fabric in Sahrawi colors forms the backbone connecting the research units. The exterior facades feature a simple, functional and ingenious architectural language with a repeating element that protects against solar radiation. The simple, sober architecture draws clear lines to leave an important place for nature, creating spaces for meeting and exchange. Central patios in each building naturally ventilate the spaces through wind dynamics. The exterior spaces act as an open-air "living lab" sensitizing visitors to planting in dry environments, punctuated by sculptural wind-break structures that reinforce the site's identity. The project's beauty is revealed through an exaltation of the site's minerality.
A.S.A.R.I. demonstrates how we can live with the desert, and evolving climate. The architecture shows the delicate yet important ecology-technology balance, with technology serving ecology. The aim is a sustainable, passive design adapted to the place and culture, creating a new living space that protects nature and its inhabitants.
Bechu & Associés is a century-old family architecture firm. The agency has a multidisciplinary approach, combining architecture, urban planning, interior design, and R&D. They are committed to sustainable development, incorporating bioclimatic design, parametric modeling, new bio-based materials and biomimicry. Key focus areas include climate-responsive urban planning and reintroducing nature in cities.
With projects ranging from residential to large-scale public facilities, in France and internationally, Bechu & Associés puts its expertise at the service of each client. The agency has developed scientific partnerships to support innovation and the ecological transition. As a member of the BBCA low-carbon association and co-founder of the BiodiverCity label, the firm aims to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings and promote urban biodiversity. Bechu & Associés strives to create architecture that is rooted in its context while embracing the future.