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AG Faculty Building: functionality and beauty

4 plus arhitekti

Education  /  Completed
4 plus arhitekti

The idea of building a new Faculty building represents the aspiration of all its employees from 2011 until today. After the competition, an intervention is planned for the existing "Tereza" building, which is located in the central part of the University City. The existing building was built in 1889. for military purposes and was in a bad condition before the work began. The intervention included rehabilitation, reconstruction, extension and upgrading of the existing building. The goal of the project was to preserve the character of the existing building and to introduce a new meaning to the space through the transformation.

The location for the construction of the Faculty building is located in the complex of the former Vrbas barracks, which is part of the University City in Banja Luka. The inherited area managed by the University of Banja Luka includes an area rich in park structures, grassy areas and a protected dendro fund, which in the urbanistic sense represents a heterogeneous grouping of objects with completely different purposes, times of construction and architectural design and materialization. In this sense, the main task of the construction of the Faculty building, i.e. the extension of the existing building "Tereza", represents the establishment of new values ​​and ways of behavior in this specific space, and the establishment of order in the morphological structure of the University City, in accordance with the spatial context and needs of the future building with dominance found nature.

The scope and character of energy efficiency is determined by the estimated future energy performance of the building, which determines maximum power consumption for heating (and cooling the facility) by the amount of up to 15 kWh/m2 per year and primary energy consumption to 120 kWh/m2 per year. The main source of heat in the building are the heat pumps that operate by water – water system. The energy concept is based on the passive optimization of the building, including the extensive avoidance of suspended ceilings in order to utilize the available storage masses. Considering these measures the newly designed building belongs to the B category of low-energy buildings.

Potential, the center of gravity of the building is located in the intermediate space between the existing building and the new, added part. This spacious inner “street“ between the old and the new is a training ground for the interaction between the program and its users. Inside the transparent hall, where the two parts of the building are separated and united, by intertwining their functions, all flows and communications within the faculty are concentrated on the bridges, galleries and staircases. This is pecisely because of “the street” set in this way and the importance given to the function and purpose of the building as a “laboratory of knowledge” that communicates in every part with the interior and exterior. The hall becomes even more important if we look at the project from the aspect of lighting, because the projected distance and width of the hall between the old and the added part of the faculty enabled multi-faceted sunlight for all parts of the old and new building. At the same time, the house draws nature from the environment into itself.

The impression of one of the first visitors: "The entire building is concrete. It is modern, full of air and light and with an accent on the function of the space. Freed from decorations, synthetic carpets and plastic flowers. Contemporary European architecture that was finally planned by someone freed from the influence of newly composed investors. Functionality and beauty. I hope that it will last."


 Banja Luka
 Bosnia ed Herzegovina
 University of Banja Luka
 educational institution
 6980 m2
  6,250,000.00 €
 Saša Čvoro and Malina Čvoro
 Saša Čvoro, Malina Čvoro and Radovan Beleslin
 GRADITELJ Teslić, TIGAR Doboj, TEKTON Banja Luka
 Relja Ivanić


Architectural studio "4PLUS ARCHITECTS" was founded in 2002 with the idea of working on projects of buildings and structures of high architectural value. It was founded by architects Saša Čvoro and Malina Čvoro. The studio has a large number of high quality projects and good technical and economic indicators. The most significant awarded realized projects are House 4, House Penn Hill and Nikola Tesla Student Dormitory in Banja Luka, Reconstruction of the pedestrian street Kralja Petra I in Prijedor (BIH) and Main square in Sremska Kamenica (SRB).
The current team of authors consists of architects who are united in working on various projects and architectural competitions in collaboration with experts from different disciplines.



#Finalist #Copertura in vetro  #Acciaio  #Calcestruzzo  #Ceramica  #Vetro  #Edificio scolastico  #Struttura in laterocemento  #Campus universitario  #4 plus arhitekti  #Bosnia ed Herzegovina  #Banja Luka  #General contractor 

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