Sterling Presser Architect + Engineers - Taiyuan Outdoor Water Theatre and Entrance Bridge, inspired by the purity of lotuses
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Taiyuan Outdoor Water Theatre and Entrance Bridge, inspired by the purity of lotuses

Sterling Presser Architect + Engineers

Sport&Leisure  /  Completed
Sterling Presser Architect + Engineers

The open-air theater is a unique and intriguing architectural project that interests many architecture enthusiasts. The origin of this idea can be found in traditional Asian symbols, such as the lotus, which represents purity, enlightenment, spirituality and tranquility.

Asian architecture often uses the lotus as a decorative motif in art, architecture and literature. The lotus is also considered a symbol of Asian culture and its core values, such as harmony, balance and peace.

The concept of a lotus-shaped open-air theater was developed by combining these symbols and values with the requirements of a functional theater.

The Theatre en plaine air blends harmoniously into the surrounding landscape. The organic design of the building and its lotus flower inspired form complements the natural beauty of the surroundings, creating a dynamic interaction between the project and its environment.

The bridge across the river also reinforces this connection with nature. It allows visitors to connect with the beauty of the site and enjoy breathtaking views of the river while walking to the theater. The building itself is designed to provide an immersive experience for patrons, allowing them to enjoy performances while remaining connected to their natural surroundings.

Sustainability was considered in the design of this open-air theater project in China. The walkway cladding was designed to be recyclable, and the exterior façade of the theater was initially designed with bamboo panels. In addition, a German consultant specializing in water recycling incorporated ponds and purifiers into the adjacent river to make it sustainable and potable. All landscaping was proposed with recycled wood, and the shape of the metal structure was optimized to minimize constraints in its design.

The open-air theater project in China is a successful example of seamless integration into the surrounding landscape. By meeting the client's requirements, the project was able to integrate a commercial space and a theater while maintaining a unique form. One of the major assets of the project is the creation of an entrance to the river park that allows visitors to enjoy the landscape activities and eco-tourism. This project is part of a larger program along the 15 km of river, offering downtown residents a green space to relax and get away from urban pressure. The project is unique in its ability to balance urban needs and environmental requirements in the periphery.

The project was completed through a successful collaboration between a Berlin-based team, a Guangzhou-based architect and the Xiahoe-based theater director. The SP team played a key role in the design and execution of the project, thanks to their dual expertise in engineering and architecture. The design of the façade was closely linked to the design of a structural grid for local contractors and builders to produce their construction plans. This close collaboration between the different team me


 Open air theatre
 5000 mq
  20,000,000.00 €
 Nicolas Sterling ; Elke Sterling Presser


The outdoor theatre is a large-scale permanent installation to gather up to 3000 visitors. It is designed as sequential movement that connects & emerges from the landscape, the whole composition is a lotus sequence. The entrance curved bridge announces the lotus geometry at the arrival, the dam connects the theatre from the South, the whole geometry is flowing along the landscape and the river, It aims at being a point of focus. The Theatre brings public together, thousands of eyes are unified to participate to a performance and be inspired by the work of art. The footbridge is a very important part of the project it connects the landscape to the car park located beyond the river and its meanders. Its curvature announces the geometry of the lotus at the arrival. Its indirect path allows you to arrive from the side and discover the water, step by step. The concept is to design a connection to the car park in harmony with the lotus pattern of the landscape and the outer theatre.


#Shortlisted #Cina  #Acciaio  #Alluminio  #Centro culturale  #Teatro - Auditorium  #Spazio pubblico  #Stampa 3D  #Sterling Presser Architect + Engineers 

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