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A new dynamic pavilion at Vinitaly

Edoardo Milesi & Archos

Special Projects  /  Completed
Edoardo Milesi & Archos

The concept for the Zenato pavilion at Vinitaly was conceived to ensure careful management of the corporate marketing flows and dynamics.

The long and narrow conformation of the area intended to house the stand, the adjacent volumes of the other exhibitors and the light and noise pollution generated by the large exhibition space of Verona Fiere Pavilion guided the compositional and functional choices of the project.

To translate corporate values into stimuli rich in meaning, the Zenato stand presents itself as a slender, evanescent and permeable container to the flow of visitors thanks also to a ribbed covering of white elastic cords that vibrate at the passage and touch of visitors, conveying sensations and emotions that place the product at the center of a quality experience. It is precisely the sobriety of the simple shapes, the natural materials and the lighting that guarantee the elegance that is expected from the quality of the wines on offer.

The ordering element of the functional hierarchy, but also the generator of the emotional journey, is the long counter in the tasting area that accompanies the different types of guests in the careful progression of its functions, making a necessary but discreet selection. A real equipped backbone that from a desk/reception becomes a standing serving counter, a wine bar, a guided tasting and an access point to the private sitting rooms.

Gathering all the functions in the center and simultaneously diluting them along the considerable length of the stand means being able to free the walls from other containers, optimizing the usable spaces, and being able to freely deal with the scenographic part in a more careful management of costs.
On the back wall behind the counter, treated with a pleated boiserie in plane tree wood left natural, the company's bottles stand out, almost suspended on brushstrokes of light, while the remaining walls protect, without ever denying it, the rich internal space of captivating and almost hermetic shapes, avoiding ostentatious and expensive affectations.

The new stand also houses an area totally dedicated to the cultural project of the Zenato Academy “Oltre” and the photographic exhibition “Vino. Beyond the portrait ".

Zenato winery, soul of Lugana and heart of Valpolicella, welcomes visitors of Vinitaly with a new dynamic pavilion designed by architect Edoardo Milesi & Archos. A new space that places the product at the center of a quality experience, capable of translating sensations and emotions into stimuli rich in meaning.


 Zenato Azienda Vitivinicola S.r.l.
 Exhibition pavilion
 140 m2
 Edoardo Milesi
 Davide Fagiani
 Standgreen S.r.l.
 Alias S.r.l.
 Andrea Ceriani


In 1979, Edoardo Milesi – graduated with Franca Helg at the Polytechnic University of Milan – founded the studio Archos, which immediately turned its attention to ecological building with a “strong” interpretation of reality, combining attention to environmental issues with attention to social issues. Archos studio operates in varied fields: from the preservation and restoration of national monuments to renewal and transformation plans on an urban scale; from manufacturing sites to private residences, tourist accommodation and cultural buildings. The activities of the studio have always been characterized by research and constant participation in cultural debate about architecture, so much so that over the years the studio has gone hand in hand with a publishing house which publishes, among other things the magazine ArtApp since 2009. In 2014, Milesi founded the non-profit association Scuola Permanente dell’Abitare.


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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