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y Hotel & Kitchen, like a wildlife garden

Xie Ke

Interior  /  Completed
Xie Ke

Unlike the common practice of “building a house in the mountain”, we concealed the majority of y Hotel & Kitchen underground. The roof is on a level with neighboring residences to be a pleasant “wildlife garden”. In this way, it not only guarantees the sight of neighboring communities, but also becomes a unique landscape. The hotel is tranquil, while the open restaurant is full of joys. “I’d love to know where the sunlight comes from in the morning and where it goes to in the evening.” The Designer is concerned about the “spatial projection of light through time” all the time. Residents here can see sunshine, while extended exposure to strong sunlight should be avoided.”

The basement level release more meditating spaces, making it a quiet place. Many things, like light, order, emotion, and free respiration, are contained in the blank spaces. A vallum as tall as 6m was made between the backyard garden and the nearby residence. In this way, prying between nearby residence and the architecture is fully avoided and proper distance with sunlight can be maintained. Some large gardens were made to prevent people from feeling they are in an underground world. Sunlight is “poured” from the courtyard, and wind can move freely here. In the concealed architecture, visitors can feel certain perceptions rather than something specific.

The beige main part is outlined with black “side lines”, even the lamps are concealed. The project is equipped with refined materials, handicrafts, and artworks, demonstrating the gentle nature of the space. he independent hotel and restaurant are connected by a gray space. The distant mountains are vague, while the architecture is quietly concealed in the community as part of the mountains. The new articles with ancient styles include natural flax sofas, mild wood chairs and tea tables, and paintings by Kader Boly, an African -born abstractionist…The folk art is humorous and primitive.

For Xie Ke, the mountain acts as a part of islands. “I do hope that we have one project in ARANYA to be connected with people and communities and be part of the Utopia or idealism……We hope that the y Hotel is simple yet different from minimalism. Minimalism refers to extreme purity and restriction, while the nature of conciseness is warmth and humanity.”


 1863 m2
 Xie Ke
 Signyan Design


As the founder of Signyan Design, Xie Ke graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, engaging in space design for over two decades. By adhering to plain and natural styles, he is good at enabling the “narrativity” of spaces by using simple materials. He fully respects localization and seeks the combination of traditional technology with contemporary aesthetics to develop oriental cultural aesthetic spaces in the world.
In the field of hotel designs, his representative works include Pure House, Sunyata-Meili Hotel, Sunyata-Chongqing Hotel, Sisan-Hupao 1934 Hotel, and Sisan-Shuanglang Hotel. The Pure House was awarded the 14th Annual HD Awards. The Sunyata-Meili Hotel was awarded AHEAD ASIA 2020 Best Hotel Conversion. The Sisan-Shuanglang Hotel was granted the gold prize of 2022 IFI STAY Award. He has founded YIJI Collections,collecting the brands and articles designed by dozens of international independent designers.



#Shortlisted #Cina  #Acciaio  #Legno  #Hotel  #Pozzo geotermico  #Sanya  #Calcestruzzo architettonico  #Xie Ke 

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