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"Exploration and Production", a business center in Milan's outskirts

DeA Capital Real Estate SGR

Innovation and Design  /  Completed
DeA Capital Real Estate SGR

The project for the Exploration and Production Business Center in San Donato Milanese represents the outcome of an international competition awarded in 2011 which has the signature of the architectural firm Nemesi together with Morphosis Architects. The Center completely reinterprets the concept of a business tower by creating a horizontal landscape architecture open to the surrounding urban context. The concept of the Center and its facades is based on the layered composition of the Earth, evoking tectonic conditions in which diverse biological matter are incubated over millennia to produce energy, consistently with the core business of the tenant.

The Exploration and Production Business Center is located in the area of the former industrial complex of Via De Gasperi in Metanopoli. The urban development of the Business Center is regulated by the Integrated Intervention Program approved by the Municipality of San Donato Milanese, which provides for the construction of major neighboring public works of urbanization namely the new road system, traffic circles, public green areas and parking lots. Through the organization of squares, green areas and terraces the Business Center maintains an open dialogue with the urban surroundings, offering striking glimpses of visual permeability, enhancing the continuity and integrity of green public spaces, while maintaining the private dimension of the intervention.

The Business Center was designed to meet Class A energy requirements and has achieved LEED Gold certification. The project develops the idea of an energy-independent architectural organism, combining consumption savings in the winter period with emission and dispersion reductions in summertime, while ensuring an optimum production of renewable energy. The shapes of the three buildings and the facades, designed with double-skin technology, reduce the dispersion of sunlight, while the compactness of the buildings and the presence of roof gardens, contribute to increasing the thermal inertia of the complex. The project also includes the use of solar panels, the installation of energy-efficient heating and air conditioning systems and the recycling of rainwater for irrigation.

Rather than approaching the project as a traditional office building, the Business Center was designed following principles of 21st century campus, planning and enhancing the experience of people working there. The project revolutionizes the traditional monotonous and repetitive plans of office buildings and proposes a modern programmatic organization that sets the users first and creates an optimal work environment for individual growth. By breaking up the mass of the project into several buildings interspersed with open spaces and common areas, the Business Center gives easy access to outdoors and amenities, with spaces for dining, socializing, and informal meetings. This approach also allowed for the creation of linear buildings with slender floorplates that located all desks closer to natural light and views, providing users a high degree of comfort throughout the day. Moreover, the glazed facades designed to optimize visual and lighting comfort on the worktops allow the entry of filtered natural light, avoiding direct irradiation of the worktops. Each of the office buildings has floor plans with a constant width of 21 meters and host private offices and meeting rooms, organized on a central circulation axis. These structural features give maximum flexibility of building usage and ease the reconfiguration of teams according to present and future functional needs.

Renzo Misitano : "Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di creare un nuovo modello di campus aziendale, focalizzato sulla sostenibilità e sul well-being della persona ed è stato progettato con un focus tanto sull’individuo quanto sulla comunità. Tutto questo sposa gli ideali di DeA Capital da sempre attenta a garantire alte prestazioni a livello ambientale tenendo in considerazione le necessità dei futuri occupanti degli edifici e anche delle comunità all’interno del quale l’immobile si sviluppa."


 San Donato Milanese
 70.841 m2
 DeA Capital Real Estate SGR S.p.A.- Milan Development 1 Fund
 Morphosis Architects - Nemesi & Partners Srl
 Europa Risorse Srl - High Surveillance


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