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A house for humans and their best friends

EKAR Architects

House  /  Completed
EKAR Architects

This house is built for a man who desperately loves dog. At the beginning, he desired to build a place, not only for him to live, but it must be the place for his dogs to enjoy as much as they can, run as much as they want or even lay down wherever possible. To respond to this strong intention of our client, as an architect, we decided to encourage this relationship of respectfulness between creatures through the most ordinary architectural element we found in the local area, the roof. The roof has increasingly become a majority of this project, for instance, a shelter, a boundary, an opening or even the spiritual reminder of the existence of other lives on earth. So, we treated our architecture as not just the human house, but we treated it as a place for connecting everything together

As our intention to design an architecture which represents the respectfulness of creatures, this architecture is proposed to be gently blended into the urban area where other neighborhoods reside in. We started with researching about the context to understand how architecture will be configured appropriately. Nakhonpathom, agricultural province, known as the ‘national kitchen’ where pork, chicken and rice are exported from. Most of the architectures found there, are chicken or pig barns. They are designed under the condition of the money and builder’s know-how, so the building character appears to be low and temporary to suit the scale of chicken and pig. And that lit our inspiration up, the most ordinary architectural character remaining from the past to the present day, ‘the roof’.

The main space, including reception area, main entrance hall and client’s residence, stand silently under the triangular-shape roof, inspired by the building typology in Nakhon Pathom, where well known as the cattle province. The roof slope slightly indicates the proper height for the users, dog and human, to make the most comfortable space for each other, and whenever human want to get closer to the dog, they need to little bow to to reach dog’s height. The different height of the roof edge identifies the accessible area for individual user to reminds the existence of each other. Partly, the roof encloses the interior space, while allowing view into a specific activity. As a low closed-to-touch roof, the bitumen roof tile is selected comparing to the ordinary metal sheet to provide a touch friendly to the users. The installation where usually starts from the lowest piece, literally creates the pattern on the roof. The column base is designed to respond the territory creation behavior of dog without any prevention, in order to make them most comfortable to live anywhere. Swimming pool steps are designed in the proper scale of dogs to get into the pool. The result of reconsideration of the roof creates architecture that reminds us not only the existence of the dogs, but also other living and non-living things around us.

I have memories in this town from the past, local people, places, my families. I want these all to remain in this house too. The roof, simple, but related to the house where I lived in my childhood. The laterite bricks, once, was used as the decoration in my house. The selected trees in the garden are provincial tree and my mom’s favourite tree. ‘I can feel it This is home' For me, memories from grandparents, brother, sister and kids(dogs) pass to me, either happiness or sorrow, it is what it


 Nakhon Phathom
 Norawee Wainipitapong
 Private house and Dog house
 700 m2
  400,000.00 €
 EKAR Architects
 Ekaphap Duangkaew , Tirayon Khunpukdee, Sorapat Maneewong
 GRD + RHive Design and Consultant
 Rungkit Charoenwat


EKAR believes that the architecture is originated from a perfect mixture of beautiful aesthetic senses and functional usability through thinking process, analysis and connections based on different conditions and contexts surrounded by every dimension of each specific location. Our physical identities remain in the shade of life. We see the preciousness of life. Our creativity is influenced by the contexts that shape and give life. We craft their lives and gently place the design on the specific context using detailed research. The designs are driven by not just their present but also their past and future. Documentaries of their lives were embraced with their ongoing vision. The designs keep operating and wander alongside their journey. We believe that as time passes, the value of design becomes more apparent.
We craft human lives and gently place the design on the specific context using detail research as documentary of their lives.



#Finalist #Calcestruzzo  #Residenza  #Struttura in acciaio  #Thailandia  #Struttura ricettiva  #Asfalto  #Laterite  #EKAR Architects 

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