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"Park West", a business center based on continuity between human action and nature

DeA Capital Real Estate SGR - Fondo Park West

ESG - Environmental Social Governance  /  Future
DeA Capital Real Estate SGR - Fondo Park West

The business district Park West is part of the district SeiMilano, the urban regeneration project relating to the Integrated Intervention Plan (P.I.I.) “Calchi Taeggi-Bisceglie”. Designed by MCA Architects, the Masterplan of SeiMilano results from the relation between the new urban park design and the building architecture, i.e. from the fragmentation of built space to foster the interaction between the park, housing, public/private spaces and the rest of the city while targeting the highest level of sustainable local conversion. With the development of the Park West project, DeA Capital Real Estate SGR contributes to the polycentric and sustainable transformation of Milan, offering a light industrial/office of premium architectural quality in a historically recognised area.

The design principles of Park West are sociality and continuity between human action and nature, considered fundamental to make the new urban space an enjoyable space to live. That’s why the three towers have been built to create two new squares, with the ground floor facing via Bisceglie and the first floor facing the park. The square on the first floor creates a continuum with the residential units and the new park through the stairway along the new boulevard, serving not only as a place of aggregation but also of transit. The retail spaces will feature a gym, a café and a restaurant, while the other spaces adjacent to the complex feature halls, an auditorium, meeting rooms, and leisure areas.

In line with the ESG objectives pursued by DeA Capital Real Estate SGR and Park West Fund, the design approach used for the project was targeted to promote a balance between social and environmental aspects and the financial nature of real estate development measured through the performance of LCA of the entire project. This commitment is reflected in the design of the real estate complex according to the guidelines for obtaining recognised voluntary environmental certifications. More specifically, Park West's goal is to be LEED Platinum, Fitwel and WELL certified and also obtain the WiredScore technology infrastructure certification. In addition, since 2021, the Fund Park West has joined the GRESB benchmark with a 5-star rating based on a score of 98 points out of 100 available.

Park West consists of three towers of different heights featuring squared and rectangular shapes, in a close dialogue with the residential volumes. The real estate complex envisions a GLA of about 26,500 sqm for office use to host nearly 2,900 employees, in addition to about 1,100 sqm for retail use at the foot of the towers. The heights of the three buildings range between 7 and 16 floors and the tallest tower located on the North-East portion of the area at the crossroad of via Bisceglie and via Dei Calchi Taeggi is visually the most impacting over the entire SeiMilano complex. Thanks to a skilful architectural composition, Park West A and B towers are among the few buildings in Milan to offer the possibility to have an open space surface of up to 2,000 sqm on one single floor and four exclusive panoramic terraces. Designed to be independent from the rest of the real estate complex, the tower C may become an ideal location also for a single tenant looking for a separate space of over 5,000 sqm for office use while enjoying the services of the business park. The private spaces in the towers are bright and spacious featuring different types of façades and operable windows. Plants and systems are based on a mix of energy sources (electricity, PV and district heating) and have been designed in accordance with the highest standards and cutting-edge technologies to target maximum energy efficiency, low consumption and reduced harmful emissions.

Park West is the sum of all the experience gained by DeA Capital Real Estate in the field of office development. The project will be the new iconic landmark of the area, and it will be disruptive for its technologic features and ESG achievements. The perfect place for firms that want to be ready to face the upcoming challenges.


 Milano, Bisceglie
 DeA Capital Real Estate SGR S.p.A. - Fondo Park West
 Q4 2023
 33700 mq m2
 MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects; Progetto strutturale: Milan Ingegneria; Progetto Impianti: Coprat, Studio Ferrari Brocajol; Landscape Design: MDP Michel Desvigne Paysagiste
 Borio Mangiarotti
 Direzione Lavori: Starching; Advisory: ArchiRE; Agency and commercial partner: DILS, JLL
 MCA - Mario Cucinella Architects ; VideoProduction



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