The idea was to conceive the new Concert Hall as an educational centre and a natural extension of the O/Modernt, a creative and multifunctional project, combining the different arts, the distant historical epochs and the various cultural traditions of people. The starting points of the design were research, experimentation and the awareness of working towards the realisation of a democratic and fluid educational space, with no physical barriers between artists and audience. Thus, a space of total connection, also thanks to the inclusion of an extensive multimedia connectivity project capable of constantly linking the Auditorium with a worldwide network of organisations in order to activate cultural exchanges, to participate in workshops and to organise remote activities.
The two walls at the back of the Concert Hall almost seem not to belong to the hall: a sought-after contrast that responds to the desire to create an infinitive space 'without walls' and ideally immersed in the surrounding nature so that the 'genius loci' can 'enter' the architecture. Crossed by a cold Nordic light, a reminiscence of the aurora borealis, the backdrop represents a view of the Stockholm archipelago from a satellite, with the islands made of polished mirrored steel to create a play of reflections and fragmented images that heighten the idea of an asymmetrical and syncopated space but strong in absolute harmony in the colours that decline the tones of the orchestra's brass instruments.
The hall, which seats 300 and has a very large stage, was created as an experimental space, capable of hosting performances of a variety of musical genres and research works; it is capable of interpreting the music of the future, and on some occasions even subverting the canonical order: the audience on the stage, the orchestra on the balconies. The foyer is not located on the ground floor: spectators are taken by a large lift to the third floor of the building, from where they can enjoy a panoramic view of the entire hall, beginning the musical experience with an unexpected architectural promenade, from the suspended balconies to the audience at the bottom. The musical fugues and legati inform the continuous chasing and interweaving of walkways and volumes, in a harmony of shapes and colours with the aim of achieving a fusion of architecture and sound: a unique, 'archi-sculptural' organism that incorporates both design and acoustic requirements, an aspect meticulously overseen by Japanese acoustic engineer Yasuhisa Toyota/Nagata Acoustics. Audience and balconies also intertwine and merge in shades from warm bronze to gold, thus creating a continuous gradient. The main inspiration for the design was the continuous and fluid movement of the red ribbon, an instrument used by rhythmic dancers which, after being unrolled, is released into the sky. Thus it represents a model of elegance, lightness and musicality that led to the softness of curves and volumes.
The Hall is totaly DIVINE!!!
ARKPABI - Giorgio Palù e Michele Bianchi architetti nasce nel ’94, realizzando opere pubbliche e private, affrontando i progetti con approccio basato su ricerca architettonica, sperimentazione tecnico-materica e innovazione tecnologica. Si occupa di architettura, realizzando edifici per terziario, ospitalità, architetture industriali e residenziali. Il progetto DelleArti design Hotel nel 2002 a Londra vince l’Architectural Award come Best New Hotel nella competizione internazionale The European Hotel Design Award ‘02. Nel 2016 lo studio vince con “l’Auditorium Giovanni Arvedi” il XXIV Premio Compasso d’Oro ADI.