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Misericordia Cancer Hospital, a space that humanizes the health experience

Progetto CMR

Health  /  Future
Progetto CMR

Designing from the inside out is one of the key principles that, since 1994, guides the approach of Progetto CMR and that, in the case of Misericordia Cancer Hospital translates into the creation of a space that humanizes the health experience, putting healthcare workers and patients at the heart of the project. According to this approach, we propose an innovative model of hospital care, the One Day Hospital, which aims at the patient’s stay in the facility. The proximity to the sea has inspired us in the design of a space where to find relief even in nature: for this, therapeutic gardens are designed as real places of care.

The landscape plays a crucial role in the design of the Misericordia Cancer Hospital. The proximity to the sea and the strong presence of greenery that characterize the place where the structure stands, are real therapeutic spaces, because they contribute to increasing the degree of psychological and physical well-being of patients and therapeutic staff. The large windows, from which natural light filters, emphasize the link with the context, creating a connection between the inside and outside of the building.

Designed to achieve the LEED Platinum certification, the structure has been designed to minimize the environmental impact thanks to the implementation of systems, such as photovoltaics or mechanisms for the collection and reuse of rainwater, which aim to achieve considerable water and energy savings. Developed using the standard WELL building protocol, MI.CA.HO. is characterized by the use of biophilic design that allows to improve the environmental quality and the well-being of the occupants. Conceived in this perspective, therapeutic gardens are green areas in the hospital areas, real places of care where to practice physical or rehabilitation activities.

The Misericordia Cancer Hospital is divided into six floors designed to accommodate different functional areas. The building is accessed through a staircase that, from the green podium on which stands the center, allows access to the reception area where acceptance takes place. The entire floor below houses the diagnostic and therapeutic area, while the upper floors are the hospital areas, with a specific pole reserved for pediatric patients who will have at their disposal throughout the fourth floor. The principles that guided the realization of the center are the model of the One Day Hospital, the humanization of care and the high technological standard. By minimizing the time spent in the facility, Misericordia Cancer Hospital is a center that gives top priority to maximizing the well-being of patients and operators. Equipped with technological equipment, the centre is a smart hospital characterised by an innovative approach to care and diagnostics. Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence and the analysis of big data, it offers the possibility to make diagnoses that are more precise and outline therapeutic paths tailored to the individual patient. The result is a hub of excellence able to guarantee the patient the maximum accuracy in the treatment paths in a comfortable and welcoming environment, far from the classic hospital model.

“I am proud to present the project for the construction of a new oncological hospital, for Trani and for Puglia. An ambitious operation, dare I say titanic: the creation of a multidisciplinary center of excellence for the diagnosis and treatment in oncology that may represent the core of a new development path, for the entire Apulian territory” - Dr. Bernardo Ilgrande, Sole Administrator of OHPA


 OHPA, Operative Holding Procurement & Assets, Spa
 67405 m2
 Arch. Massimo Roj
 Federico D'Angelo, Dario Gusmini, Giuseppe Laudani, Pasquale Sforza, Gerardo Vidal


Progetto CMR is an integrated design company, founded in 1994 and specializing in architecture, engineering and design. Heading the Group of the same name, which has several companies ranging from the design of offices and sports facilities to digitalization and BIM, Progetto CMR employs more than 200 professionals. The integration of skills is the heart of the company's activities: to provide the market with multidisciplinary solutions to environmental and social challenges, the team collaborates on a permanent basis with different professionals, including experts in behavioral sciences, neuroscience, occupational medicine and universities. Progetto CMR has its headquarters in Milan and has offices in Rome, Athens, Beijing, Ho Chi Minh, Istanbul, Jakarta. The company is also a founding partner of EAN - European Architect Network and the only Italian’s design company in WA100 2023 ranking of Building Design.


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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