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Where people will be immersed in the open cityscape: Green Valley Art Center

Scenic Architecture Office

Culture  /  Completed
Scenic Architecture Office

The Green Valley Art Center sits at the northeast end of the Xuhui CBD Central Park which located to the east of Shanghai South Railway Station. It is designed with the vision to explore a dynamic experience of multiple interactions for public art activities. This mega-truss structure landmark provides continuous and transparent indoor and outdoor ground spaces for the park. The elevated ramp gallery links different functional areas at various heights, stimulating autonomous participation and dynamic communication across events.

The landscape avenue goes through a woodland on a gentle slope, and reaches at the northeast end of an amphitheater surrounded by architecture and landscape. Because of the outdoor theater’s openness, public from all directions of the park can freely watch or participate in open-air performances undertaken in the amphitheater, behind where people can also enter the welcoming lobby of the building. the transparent lobby ensures the continuity of indoor and outdoor spaces. The internal circulation starting from the lobby and extends all the way to the roof garden above the ramp gallery: Take a walk or have a cocktail party on such a sloped and looped terrace, people will be immersed in the open cityscape and can overlook the magnificent new skyline of the city.

The main body of the building is a triangular truss structure that rises and falls. The truss is supported only by three points: The V-shaped steel columns at the southwest and northeast corners and a concrete core at the southeast corner. The trusses span 50-60 meters in east-west direction, which realizes the transparent of the lobby and ensures the continuity of indoor and outdoor spaces. The internal circulation starting from the lobby extends this continuity to all areas of the building. The ramp gallery with a gentle slope is arranged in a circular manner along the outer boundary of the building, providing exhibition spaces with strong guidance and new creative possibilities. Visitors can choose a top-down or opposite direction of the tour route, and will feel a changing and varied spatial experience during the visit. As the ramp gallery climbs up, one corner of the triangle volume rises up in the southeast corner of the park and points in the direction of Xujiahui along the Humin Elevated Highway, just like an "artistic weather vane". This circulation-driven structure can not only provide a landmark for Shanghai South Railway Station area, but also stimulate the vitality of cultural exchange with a rich dynamic space experience, presenting the spiritual connotation of a public art center.

This building integrated three main functions in an unexpected way: the gallery rises up around the central multifunction space and the auditorium, and finally reaches a rooftop that enjoys a spectacular cityscape. The design meets all the functional requirements and takes advantage of its environment. The façade also reveals the unique arrangement of the functional space, and standouts in this CBD area.


 Vanke Group Shanghai Branch
 gallery, conference hall, café
 4562 m2
 Scenic Architecture Office
 Zhu Xiaofeng, Zhang Zhun, Zhuang Xinjia, Pablo Gonzalez Riera, Shi Yin, Shi Yan’an, Du Shigang, Du Jie, Yang Taohui
 ZY Architectural Photography, Liang Shan


Scenic Architecture Office was founded in Shanghai in 2004. In any project undertaken, they start from the needs of body-mind, nature and society, and try to establish a balanced and dynamic relationship between these aspects through architectural ontology to carve a new identity for contemporary architecture niched between Chinese tradition and the future. Scenic Architecture Office’s works have earned awards like Architizer A+ Award, Archdaily Annual China Architecture Award, WAACA Award, Far Eastern Architectural Design Award, etc. Their works have also been invited to partake in various exhibitions, including the Solo show “Translated Traditions – Public Courtyards and Urban Platforms” held by Berlin Aedes Architecture Forum, Venice Architecture Biennale, Milano Triennial, and exhibitions held by London Victoria and Albert museum, MAK, NAI, etc. In 2022, the office had its first monograph “Rebirth of form-type” published by Images Publishing Group worldwide.


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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