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  4. Corte Ducati, the rural land colours of variable weave and traditional red brick used in a contemporary language

Corte Ducati, the rural land colours of variable weave and traditional red brick used in a contemporary language


Housing  /  Completed

The Project “Corte Ducati” is set in the peripheral area of the city of Bologna (Emilia Romagna – Italy), in a rural territory with a strong landscape relevance. It is a foothills area inside a context which is highly characterized by an historical and environmental identity, typical of the region. Therefore the redevelopment work of the surrounding historical and agricultural warehouses was based on local references in the idea of proposing forms and materials which could be recognized as part of the agricultural territory. The consistent volumetry which was evaluated for the project of 5.000 mc, was horizontally distributed, projecting an housing module with mirrored and repeated shapes, intentionally through restrained dimensions of the built part in the aim of respecting local surroundings, representing the shape of the Asymmetrical Barns with a saltbox roof, open on the main front, recompacting the whole volume with pergolas for cars. The “skin” which covers the structure has been realized with materials of Bologna traditional architecture, a red brick, but used in a contemporary language, which offers a variable weave, going through a closed and compact shape, becoming then rough and protrusive, like an embroidery which is perforated and it permits to catch a glimpse of the life inside. The aspect of locality was taken into account when choosing materials. The chosen colors of the work are intentionally only 2, the primary one is the red of the brick and a dark brown for all the finishes, in the idea of preserving the natural hierarchy of full and empty spaces. The roofs are covered with roof tiles with a minimalistic, simple and flat form. This residential complex of a private client, comprises10 single-family housing units, about 440 mc/150 mq each. The module has been projected in an alternate sequence, creating a flexuous progression through the saltbox roof shapes to offer a view on the surrounding landscape also from the lowest areas. Wide private gardens, front and back, are part of the housing, with common green spaces, enriched with 63 trees of native species such as oaks and ash trees all along the original agricultural court. In this project tradition and modernity are trying to get inside the landscape context respecting its own balance, in the aim of creating a modern and timeless development characterised by minimalistic details with high quality finish.


 1.500 m2
 KOSMOS GROUP (Arch. Daniele Ronzoni_ site safety coordinator)


The architect was born in 1975 in Bologna and graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Florence with full marks, after a course of study at the Artistic Lyceum Francesco Arcangeli in Bologna.Her work is immediately characterized by independent works as a freelancer and by occasional collaborations with architecture studios.With one of them in 2006 she takes part at the Venice Biennale of Architecture, at the exposition of Italy Pavillion with the project “Ve.Ma, City of future”.In 2010 she establishes and opens her own professional studio, in Bologna, dedicating herself mainly to projecting and directing works for private residencies, show-rooms and offices. The studio is consisting of its founder and it relates to external collaborations to offer a complete assistance for the achievement of multiple level works, with a consolidated competence on teamwork collaborations.The studio philosophy finds its roots in the devotion to Beauty, as both a journey and a goal.


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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