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Parco di Enea - tutto a due passi

Medusa 2019 Srl

Investment and Asset Management  /  Future
Medusa 2019 Srl
The project activity area is located close to the urban centre of the town of Pomezia (Rome), an industrial town, about 20 km from the capital. The project can be classified as a building renovation; in fact, it provides for the urban, building and environmental redevelopment of an abandoned industrial area known as the former “FEAL SUD”. The establishment, inaugurated in 1967 for the production of modular elements in the field of prefabrication, was decommissioned in the late 1980s. Having acquired the area in question, with a deed of sale Repertory no. 103766 Collection no. 29919 of 19/10/2005, Gilgamesh Srl presented an Integrated Intervention Plan to the Municipality pursuant to art. 16 of Law no. 179/92 as a variant to the PRG called “Urban, building and environmental redevelopment project of the disused area ex FEAL SUD”. On 25 June 2012, the company signed an Urban Planning Agreement with the Municipality of Pomezia, Repertory no. 4317 Collection no. 2789, the purpose of which was the urbanisation and construction of the district relating to the area in question, transforming its intended use from industrial to residential, with an increase in the provision of spaces and services for citizens, as well as roads , car parks, commercial spaces and equipped public green areas. It also allocated a plot and related volume for use by the public administration. Subsequently, on 23.04.2019, GILGAMESH, ONE-PERSON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, awarded the company MEDUSA 2019 Srl the business branch having as its object the complex of assets organised for the construction of the Sections "Z1" - "Z3" - "Z4" and "C1" of the urban transformation project within the territory of the Municipality of Pomezia, with repertory deed no. 1633.The return of this area to the city represents an important opportunity for the redesign of the local urban fabric with the creation of new valuable spaces. The district, called Parco di Enea, is set in the middle of an extraordinary urban and natural context. Every component, from the spacious terraces to the glass parapets and large windows, is designed to welcome light and showcase urban energy in a harmonious mix. The types of housing envisage the construction of two-room, three-room, four-room and five-room apartments; each home is designed to meet diverse needs and the spaces are organised in a functional way. The use of refined materials and attention to detail are the elements that characterise this residential complex. The project combines the contemporary residential world with the rediscovered value of nature, both private and communal, for young and old.
Technical Report
The second construction project of the “Parco di Enea” district will be developed around the central element of the new infrastructure, consisting of a new roundabout, already built, by Medusa 2019 Srl, elliptical in shape along the stretch of via del Mare in front of the existing square. The zoning includes:
a) Areas intended for private residential construction with a total area of approx. 15,709sqm
b) Areas intended for public green areas within the district with a total surface area of approx. 15,683sqm
c) Road areas, public car parks inside the district for a total surface area of approx. 12,428sqm
The building sectors are 6 in total, as shown below:
Z1 (private residential)
Z2 (public residential)
Z3 (private residential)
Z4 (private residential + commercial) in progress
Z5 (private residential + commercial),
C1 (commercial) in progress.
Total volume in cubic metres 133,388 of which:
- for private residential and commercial use cm. 130,000 and public housing cm. 3,880
- for non-residential use cm.10,000 (Section C1)
The standard floor of each residential building will consist of 5 residential units with the following characteristics:
All types will be equipped with large balconies and terraces.
The buildings will have a regular shape and will be built over up to 12 floors above ground.
The buildings will be built on direct foundations, while the elevated structure will consist of reinforced concrete beams and pillars, A section of plot C1 will be built using prefabricated elements also in reinforced concrete. The floors will be made of prefabricated lattice beams and associated slab. Finally, the outside cladding of the buildings will be done in traditional masonry, suitably insulated, plastered and finished with exposed stoneware slabs. The insulation of all buildings will comply with the current legislation on containing energy consumption and made with materials free from toxic emissions according to the executive thermal project attached to the building permit issue application. Finally, in compliance with current legislation, Legislative Decree 3 April 2006 no. 152, entitled "Consolidated law on water" containing "Environmental regulations", measures will be adopted regarding savings on the consumption of drinking water, using the recovery and reuse of rainwater, the reuse, for compatible uses, of grey water and waste water treatment systems.
Finally, the roof includes photovoltaic panels and solar thermal panels, whose electrical power has been calculated on the basis of current legislation.
Name of the Architectural and Structural Designer: Ing. Salvatore Lamanna
Place of construction:Pomezia(RM) ITALY
Investor: private investors
Developer: Medusa2019Srl
Main contractor: Medusa2019Srl
Completion date: 31/12/2022(Z4-C1)
Built area: about 40,000 square metres
Cost: about € 14,000,000.00
Project team: Studio Tecnico ing. S. Lamanna
Partners: arch. S. Lamanna, ing. B. Lamanna, arch. C. Latini, geom. M. Pieramici, arch. A. Guidi;
Consultants: ing. M. Lamanna - ing. M. Germani
Suppliers: Manini prefabbricati Spa, Ediliannotta Srl, Calcestruzzi Spa, Idrotec88Srl, Elfa2014Srl,3DISrl
Photocredits: Studio Tecnico ing. S. Lamanna - Studio Casadei


 Famiglie Private
 40,000 mq m2
 Studio Tecnico ing. Salvatore Lamanna
 ing. Salvatore Lamanna - arch. Silvano Lamanna - ing. Benedetto Lamanna - arch. Chiara Latini - geom. Milena Pieramici - arch. Alessandro Guidi
 Medusa 2019 Srl
 ing. Mauro Lamanna - ing. Massimiliano Germani
 Manini prefabbricati Spa, Ediliannotta Srl, Calcestruzzi Heidelberg Cement Group (Calcestruzzi Spa), Idrotec 88 Srl, Elfa 2014 Srl, 3DI Srl


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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