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  4. New Business Terminal Building, Milano Malpensa Prime

New Business Terminal Building, Milano Malpensa Prime

One Works

Transport  /  Completed
One Works

This exciting new passenger terminal for the General Aviation arose from the client’s need to have a base dedicated to business aviation, separated from the Civil Aviation Terminal, at Malpensa Airport. In order to define the correct approach, this need turned into a design competition, which was won by One Works in 2017.

Following the success of our Linate Prime business terminal, we wanted to emphasize the character of Milan General Aviation Terminal working on the brand identity of SEA Prime by using the same or similar materials, especially for the interiors, almost as if the two terminals were two wings of the same building.

The terminal has been designed as a single floor volume of over 1400 sqm a positive customer experience through freedom and assistance from arrival through to departure. Great attention was given to the view of the building from above with the shape, color and coating material studied considering the perspective of both the pilots and passengers on board an airplane. In addition, the effect we wanted to convey was that of a compact volume and the presence of the new Terminal from both the ground and on flight.

The compactness of the external envelope is interrupted by a characterized shelter carved into the volume, both on the landside side and airside. These transparent openings, made of glass, put on display the interior design from the outside. The coating of these lodges is made of panels of painted aluminum sheets with a mother-of-pearl grey, to provide a unique glossy and mirroring effect. This also provides a contrast with the dark color of the external covering to give more light to the entrances for welcoming passengers.

If the shell of the terminal has been designed with special attention to the technical aspects, the interior was designed to create exclusive spaces giving particular care to the materials selection and shapes design, in line with the ones of Linate Prime. The walls of main hall are coated by shaped trapezoidal blades in Corian and of variable dimensions creating a wave effect, to welcome passengers and to distribute access to the various functional areas and the five lounges. The brightness of the materials chosen illuminates the space to maximize comfort levels for the passengers.

From the lobby, passengers enter the security checkpoint through a glass wall with sliding doors. In adjacency are also located the State Authority offices, responsible for the control of departing and arriving passengers, positioned at the center of the flows to ensure control over all movements in the terminal, without creating bottle necks.

The ultimate objective of the design was to welcome customers into a state-of-the-art building in line with some of the world best terminals, but at the same time offer a highly functional environment that provides travelers and the crew an opportunity to feel relaxed and comfortable.


 1.400 m2
 One Works (Progetto architettonico, Strutturale, Impianti)
 Managing Partner in charge: Giulio De Carli; Capo Progetto: Giuliana Ledda; (Architettonico) Fabrizio Volpe, Davide Cucchi, Paolo Gordon; (Strutture) Gianluigi Santinello, Mariano Palazzolo, Paolo Solato, Andrea Zampellini; (Computi) Mirco Neri, Michela Maretto
 PREFA Rivestimento esterno realizzato con pannelli in alluminio - STO: imbotte degli ingressi è realizzato con pannelli verniciati grigio madreperla - CORIAN: Pareti interne hall - LAMINAM: pareti in gres - REX: mosaico in vetro - CEA: rubinetteria - DURAVIT: sanitari - GLAMORA: carta da parati - POLTRONA FRAU: arredi - COTTO D'ESTE: pavimentazione - AMITTI & SCHUCO : serramenti - ARCADIA: Arredi - ELETTROMECCANICA BUSTESE SRL: illuminazione
 Andrea Martiradonna


One Works is a global design and consultancy firm, offering an integrated approach to architecture, infrastructure and urban engineering. We are experts in dealing with complex and crowded spaces. Our extensive knowledge of diverse physical, environmental, historical and social conditions has helped create and shape dynamic places for people around the world.

With over 30 years’ experience and an Italian heritage, we continue to place high-quality design at the centre of our multidisciplinary collaborations. We work from eight strategic locations with our design headquarters in Milan. From these locations, our team of over 150 architects, designers, engineers and specialist consultants provide a flexible and stable approach to the design and delivery of projects.

Our work continues to succeed because of our collaborative ethos and an understanding of our clients’ aspirations. It gives us the ability to offer truly integrated design solutions across a range of different sectors.



#Shortlisted #Italia  #Acciaio  #Alluminio  #Vetro  #Infrastruttura  #Corian  #One Works  #Malpensa 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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