The new Research Center for Advanced Materials and Emerging Technologies (AMET) of the Pasargad Institute of Advanced Innovative Solutions (PIAIS) is located in the Pardis Technology Park, on the east side of Teheran Province.
The project aims to interpret/reproduce the solutions of traditional architectural structures applied to a contemporary high technology facility. A city within the walls, full of gardens attached to the main spine that links the different parts of the functional program.
The compactness of the volume works together with diverse layers of shading filters. The result is a highly efficient complex in terms of energy, illumination and internal comfort for the users and a representative and recognizable architectural object.
The complex includes offices and administrative areas on the ground floor, the prayer hall and a cafeteria overlooking the main patio.
On the first floor there are the classrooms, the meeting rooms, the library.
The research laboratories are located on the first basement floor.
On the lower floors there are parking lots.
On the short side, overlooking the garden, rise the two buildings of the residences for teachers and researchers
The entire Iranian territory especially the capital area is characterized by a high seismicity.
The safety guarantee against the earthquake is the main element of structural design, which has pursued the objectives imposed by the latest internationally recognized tech-nical standards. The structural safety verification satisfies the human life safeguard criteria, or rather it avoids possible collapses and structural damages during a particularly intense earthquake, up to a return period of 2.475 years.
Due to the delicate technological equipment of high economic value contained in the building, the structural concept has also pursued the objective to satisfy the operativity structural criteria.
This standard, normally adopted for structures of strategic importance such as hospitals and national importance buildings, allows to maintain the complete function of all build-ing equipment even if hit by common intensity earthquakes.
We have adopted the choice to provide a seismic base isolation: between the head of the first underground level pillars and the ground floor slab are interposed devices, seis-mic isolators, which substantially decouple a superstructure from its substructure resting on a shaking ground thus protecting the building structure’s integrity.
19200 m2
Edoardo Gherardi
Monica Martini, Dario Fernandez Plaza, Massimiliano Toniolo, Nicolò Murianni, Federica de Marchi, Nicolò Martin, Giorgia Didoné, Gianluca de Poli
CSV Life Science, Milan Ingegneria
Edoardo Gherardi è nato nel 1973 e si è laureato con lode nel 1999 presso lo IUAV di Venezia. Ha fondato Gherardiarchitetti nel 2000 a Treviso e Castelfranco Veneto (Italia).
Ha vinto il terzo premio al concorso internazionale Young & Design nel 2006 e nel 2007, l’Iconic Awards nel 2017 e il German Design Award nel 2018. È stato selezionato per il Premio Compasso d’Oro nel 2018. È art director di diverse aziende nel mondo del mobile.
L’ufficio opera in molti settori: urbanistica, progettazione architettonica, interior, design del prodotto e navale. Ha seguito l’allestimento delle principali mostre d’arte in Italia e attualmente segue oltre 80 progetti in Svizzera, Medio ed Estremo Oriente e in tutto il mondo.
La molteplicità dei progetti è seguita con lo stesso approccio, che si tratti di piccole o grandi dimensioni: attenzione ai dettagli, qualità ambientale, qualità architettonica, a partire dalle forme del paesaggio, dalla storia e dalle pratiche sociali.