Yazgan Design Architecure - Igneada Glamping
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Igneada Glamping

Yazgan Design Architecure

Urban Planning  /  Future
Yazgan Design Architecure
İğneada is a small town on the Black Sea coast, within Kırklareli Province, in the north-western side of Turkey. The area reserves a number of rare ecosystems of floodplain and deciduous forests, coastal dunes, freshwater and saltwater lakes, all combined with rich fauna and flora. Incorporating such ecologic diversity in a small region makes İğneada a unique location in European context.
The project site is an afforestation area covering 17 hectares of land, with trees planted by the local authorities approximately 40 years ago. It's located by the main road leading to the center of İğneada, 1km away from the sea. Ivy-climbed or moss-covered oak and pine trees, forest fruit bearing shrubs, briar bushes, a vast variety of fungi are only a few species that are already present in the project site. In difference to nearby areas created during afforestation process carried out by the municipality, this site will be kept in green and won't be recycled into timber. From this point of view, İğneada Glamping project has a valuable mission of protecting the local forestal ecosystem, by defining a new use for the area.
İğneada attracts a remarkable amount of tourists, especially nature-related activity and outdoor recreation seekers. The project aims to meet the needs of those who would like to experience İğneada's special natural context, while introducing a new kind of accommodation: glamping. Glamorous camping is a currently widespreading type of nature-based tourism, where the visitors would have the direct contact with nature without giving up certain comforts of modern life.
The overall design of İğneada glamping and leisure complex is based on three functionally varying zones and their interrelations: a carefully planned hierarchy and circulation pattern reflects itself physically on the masterplan. Three main areas, being daycation zone , activity zone and accommodation zone are planned to form three leaf shaped areas merging at one point -the entrance. The entrance point, located on the north-east edge of the site, is also the focal point of concentric semi-circles that regulates public-to-private distribution of the units. Main circulation paths delineating the zones are composed of roads for electric golf carts, bicycle lanes and pedestrian paths; whereas each zone is further divided with a central axis (route for in-zone circulation) and two radial paths (route for between-the-zones passage) which are only for pedestrian use.
The area dedicated to daily visitors (the east leaf on masterplan) include picnic areas where the cooking activity will take place in a controlled and forest-friendly manner, reached by a path with small shops around. This zone will be allowed to all users but mainly serve as establishment for excursionists who will visit the facility for single-day basis.
Activity zone is located in the middle, extending towards the south limits of the site as a binding element for other two. Tennis and basketball fields, a multipurpose green amphitheater, an adventure park and two thematic tent villages for young visitors are the core functions of this zone.
The third and the largest zone (the west leaf) is designed for accommodation and services for boarding visitors. At the center of this zone, a biological lake will fill the natural valley formation, making use of the existing topographic qualities of the site to create an attraction factor and therefore to enhance the visitor experience. Around the lake, different types of lodging units varying from cabins to glamping tents are organized in 7 thematic villages, with camping squares of their own. Additionally, a lobby cafe, a spa and a meeting hall are designed to serve the visitors' specific needs.
All units in the project - from the smallest service units to the biggest gathering spaces - are designed as variations on a theme, same structural system and material palette is applied to different forms. Each unit is wrapped with a framework of repeating wooden ribs which defines the modularity, gives the scale, and constitutes the final form. A secondary rib system running in the opposite direction atop of the frequent one serves as the load-bearing to the first one. Every unit sit on supports and stay slightly detached from the natural ground, ensuring the minimum impact on the existing vegetation and soil formation. As the main aspect of overall design approach natural, sustainable and recyclable materials with minimum ecologic footprint are to be utilized for the making of each unit.
The project of İğneada Glamping is ambitious and innovative in its conceptual aspects, carrying the potential of valorizing the surrounding area and offering an unprecedented nature-tourism experience in Turkey, while aiming to remain humble and environmental friendly in its actual execution.


 170200 mq
 Yazgan Design Architecture
 Yazgan Design Architecture


Founded in 2003 by Kerem Yazgan and Begüm Yazgan, both PhD. Architects, Yazgan Design Architecture Inc. is an architectural, interior, landscape and graphic design firm based in Ankara, Turkey. With an experienced staff of 35 architects, landscape designers, technical draftsmen, graphic designers and IT experts, the company has signed on to many architectural, interior design and landscape projects. With over 6.000.000 square meters in total projects located in both Turkey and a number of other countries, the portfolio of Yazgan Design Architecture continues to grow and diversify.The company has the capacity to create projects of different programs and scales that cover conceptual, design development and construction phases. Mixed-use buildings, retail, hotel, residential, office, educational buildings, hospitals, cultural centers, airports, and sport complexes are some of the building typologies that comprise the company portfolio.


#Finalist #Laterizio  #Legno  #Pietra  #Hotel  #Complesso ricreativo  #Masterplan  #Ristorante  #Turchia  #Yazgan Design Architecure  #Kırklareli  #Edificio - Complesso multifunzionale 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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