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Moray Falls Resort

JT + Partners Architectural and Engineering Consultant

Hospitality  /  Future
JT + Partners Architectural and Engineering Consultant
The project is located in Maskeliya, a small village in the mountains of Sri Lanka, amongst the most breath-taking landscapes of the island.
The plot is surrounding with 4 waterfalls, that pours from the top of the mountains to reach the big lake in front of the project.
The project is developed in the middle of a tea plantation farm and represents a private luxury resort, featuring absolutely bespoke destination.
The linear configuration of masterplan composed of four key elements such as VIP suite, main villa which serves as the common areas for guests, private bungalows and back of house area including staff accommodation and services. All four elements are organised in a horizontal composition to benefit from the beautiful views of the Reservoir below, maintain privacy between them.
The architecture style adopted is a reflection of local Sri Lancan architecture with a modern touch.
In a view of wet climate conditions in the region, the sloped roofs were espoused as a solution, which became another striking feature of the design.
The project wrapped around a series of courtyards that are surrounded by shaded walkways that leads to the different project components.
Natural ventilation is a key sustainable characteristic of the design, which allows circulation of fresh air by implementing open courtyard that also function as main circulation space within development, limiting air-condition space and & lowering energy consumption.
The project was developed with careful attention to the site morphology and the architecture typology as well as use of local materials such as natural stone & timber, which implemented throughout different components of the project, that leading to a lower carbon footprint as well as limiting the architecture to overpower the natural unique charm of Sri Lanka’s central highland.


 2400 m2
 JT + Partners Team
 Interior Design - Infinite
 Civil & Structure Eng. – Webb Yates Esther Engineers Landscape - Cracknell


JT & Partners is an energetic, collaborative, creative team of innovative individuals providing architectural design and master planning consultancy. Their bespoke designs reflect the cultural diversity, experience and understanding of its team.
They always strive to go above and beyond the call of duty to explore, research and innovate as part of the design process. The company encourages a collaborative workshop environment wherein their collective expertise, and that of their carefully selected sub-consultants can ‘cross-pollinate’ projects, improving quality and productivity. Their balanced, holistic approach to the environmental, social and economic considerations of each project ensures that the full potential of every opportunity is realised in a sustainable manner.
They are currently working on 15 destinations, from Morocco to Seychelles, Lebanon, India, Sri Lanka, North Africa, KSA and UAE, spanning residential, hospitality, mixed-use and master plan developments.

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