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Plaza Mayor

MTM Arquitectos

Plaza Mayor
Scritto da MTM Arquitectos -
The city where we build this Plaza Mayor has a specific name “Autonoma University of Madrid”, a university city. Users are young adults, students and teachers, with their knowledge transmitted. The university has grown around a meeting and circulation central space, characterized by a green boulevard that has become in the central structure for the university. Next to that, the science university, the dean’s building and the recent commuters station connects to the city center, Puerta del Sol. At the far end of boulevard, the Plaza Mayor closes the principal space giving to the life of university.The Plaza Mayor by the lateral closing of the boulevard and the natural continuity with the rest of the Campus, becomes the new services core of the university. Plaza Mayor must express its symbolic nature and be representative reference within the structure of the Campus. What is a Plaza (square)? We can think of a meeting space inside a social-urban tissue. In this case, the university campus becomes a city of knowledge. The encounter produces attraction of activities and sensations. The activities define how the plaza can be used within its surrounding. The sensations appear like the “genius loci”, a place built and transformed, not only to host a program, but also to create a public space of centrality, in this case, a Plaza Mayor (main square). How to build a Square? Only through the scale, density and fluency of a spaces that is able to accommodate the multiplicity of contemporary individual characteristics. It is about building an indeterminate space, flexible and able to attract the university user, both by scheduled and unscheduled users. The scale is the first gesture that allows us to limit a public space. The scale and limited space defined by edges become clearly communicable. The density as definition tool: solidly builds the background and defines the entrances into the Plaza Mayor of Madrid.The fluency allows a flexible and free movement with no predetermined destination. This creates a space of freedom.This square is built in continuity with the surrounding place, proposing a new landscape to endure new activities.Building above the existing slope and the power of the green boulevard, builds an infrastructural platform that connects different access levels by a simple folding maneuvers, within the historical universities. The boulevard extends through an equipped garden deck.Above the existing ground, there is a parking space. By minimizing the excavation, the volumes obtain easily natural ventilation from the vegetal edge slopes. Respecting this “natural dampers” and on the lower level, two intermediates platforms groups are creates and programmed with a variety of pedestrian access to street level.Communication towers rise above the constructed surface.These towers function as urban landmarks and announce their presence from afar, creating inputs, connections, and events, that invites you to discover the inner “emptiness” of the Plaza
Architecture Studio: MTM Arquitectos
Resta aggiornato sulle novità del mondo dell'architettura e del design

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