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Miele Gallery

Gonzalo Mardones Viviani

Miele Gallery
Scritto da Gonzalo Mardones Viviani -
This red strip distinguishes over the white as a fauve and runs over all levels to the roof. The roof is conceived as the fifth façade creating a big terrace with a bar, a meeting place in the height of the foliages. From there can see the immensity of the Andes Mountain, the hills and the green of the neighborhood. As in all our works, also we insist in the use of dividing walls as architectonic support (seventh façade). In this case the walls of both streets characterize a new panorama, making a new landscape possible and a new place for the building. This project represents the culmination of ongoing dialogues between client and architect, essential to our way of seeing and understanding the architectural design process. In this as in many cases the client story allows many inspirations and ideas that integrate into the architecture. The sustainability of Miele building is principally by the use of the fifth, sixth and seventh façades. These permits separate the building, heat and cold, creating natural isolation, ventilation and lighting.
Architect: Gonzalo Mardones Viviani Contractor: Carlos Marchetti. Engineer: Ruiz y Saavedra. Owner: Miele www.miele.de Landscape design: Jaime Cirer Lot area: 1091,10 m2 Built area: 1256,96 m2 Lighting and Domotic system: Ikatu y Bang&Olufsen Photographer: Nicolás Saieh
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